Matt Sherwood - Artist, Speaker, Traveler

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ICIS Public Speaking Club - 'The North Star' Event

September 20, 2020

I was honored to be a Speaker at the ICIS Public Speaking Club - The North Star event at the PHIN workshop cafe in Biên Hòa province!

Lots of people helped make this event a success, but BIG kudos to the core team of organizers:

  • Giang My

  • Tram Anh

  • Thanh Thao

  • Ha Mi

  • Hai Dong

  • Nam Binh

The PHIN Workshop was a really great space for an event with the 2nd floor overlooking the main lobby.

Event Theme: ‘IKIGAI’

Ikigai, this Japanese concept that translates to ‘reason for life’ comes from a region in Japan that boasts the most 100 year old people (Centenarians). Their secret to a long and prosperous life is to satisfy your Ikigai.

Finding one’s ‘reason for living’ involves 4 parts:

  1. What you love to do

  2. What you are good at

  3. What the world needs

  4. What you can be paid for

If you can satisfy ALL of these 4 things, then CONGRATS! You have found the sweet spot, your Ikigai. And you will live to be 100! Maybe.

I shared my Ikigai story centering around 2 things:

Arts and Travel

Thankfully, I’ve always known I wanted to pursue the arts. It definitely fits right into all 4 sections of the Ikigai Venn diagram. And I’ve been doing it successfully for over 20 years.

Another component that I introduced into my life 4 years ago was international Travel. This has inspired me on many levels to be a better artist!

It was great to meet the 2 other Speakers: Vy, and Sally, both bright young superstar Saigonese women! Vy talked about Personal Branding, and Sally discussed Business.

The organizers did a fantastic job in putting on a very successful event. Look at me, I’m happy!

The audience for this event was basically a bunch of super smart kids—-future leaders! The organizers are graduates from the Luong The Vinh, High School for the Gifted.

I was super impressed with not only the English fluency, but the forward thinking questions that on their minds. Very inspiring young people!

This future pilot kid was a legend. Flirtin’ right there during the opener, havin’ the time of his life!

Great participation for everything!

I really appreciated all of the work that went into the event—-like the graphics they created for the flyers, posters etc.

Kudos to the talented graphic designer, Ha Mi!

Great job by the emcees who kept things flowing and led the group in ridiculous ice-breakers:

The first Speaker was a rep from an event sponsor school and not only does he win BEST DRESSED award—he brought a great charisma to the stage!

Oh, here’s me:

Including this one cuz I look a lil demon eyed!

Sally talking about her experience in business:

And lastly, Vy to bring it home!

Everyone seemed to be having a good time!

Break-out Discussions

After the speakers finished, we broke out into 3 smaller groups, and attendees could bounce around and check each group out.

Sally was discussing Business.

Vy was Personal Branding and Public Speaking:

Here is my little world, Arts and Travel.

Here is the charming and talented Tram Anh! She was my contact for the event and she was awesome! A great speaker too, by the way. Vietnam, watch out for this superstar leader in the future!

The final section was Q & A, and these bright youngsters had me stumped a couple times! DEEP.

After-party pics, with some of the organizers and attendees!

And, that’s a wrap! Fun, motivating, and I always learn something at each of these events.

I get inspired too, especially by the youth of Vietnam and around the world. On a Saturday afternoon, they could be anywhere. But they’re a high school kid at a networking event trying to better themselves.

Parents of these organizers and students in attendance should be very proud. And to the parents of any students that want to become a professional artist:

Let them go for it! Support them!

Maybe, they will find their Ikigai. And live to be 100. :)